Wedding is a suburb of Berlin known for its Turkish population (which is actually only about 30%). We sat on a particular wall of Wedding every day for one week from 4-11th May, and constructed a Wall Embassy. The concept was to create a space that did not exist within national structures. Our research centred on 'Statelessness', which is a term denoting both people who have no nationality and are therefore not protected by international law, and the utopian idea of people who are free to float between national borders with relative freedom, such as I was doing on my way over to Berlin from Australia (although it was not as easy as this sounds).
People could join us on the wall by climbing the ladder and passing a simple test, which most artists failed. The test was as follows:
1) Think of an 'apple' and say 'banana'
2) Think of 'Europe' and say 'Egypt'
3) Think of a 'Beggar' and say 'Businessman'