Saturday, September 29, 2012

Global Warming as the Major oppressive force of the 21st Century

Recently I been doing some work about Global Warming, and all the evidence I collected creates a situation where people choose dumb, and science points to increased warming.

Logical consequence is collapse of human race, with increasingly horrible stuff happening before then.

This creates amazing situation for the artist of the 21st century. Other artists philosophers and other thinkers have talked about the end of existence, but now maybe it is actually happening. And also we are effectively living in the time those artists all dreamed of, and its realization of an artistic project spanning 250 years or perhaps longer.

It goes without saying that this is not a desirable situation, and the artist has a role in illustrating the situation so it can be somehow managed. However the artist is up against significant opposition, as there are interests in the world aimed at encouraging people to ignore the impending calamity and switch onto other things, like their material wealth or small family dramas or their power bills or etc.

There are significant opportunities in this situation however. B/c Global warming is global and therefore effects everyone, it can also be a force for realising global unity. The Copenhagen conference might have been a huge failure but it also brought world leaders together for conversations about real stuff, rather than focusing on their domestic countries agendas and seeing global warming as merely a small section of that.

or whatever

so yeah, chance for a global convo.

Also, everyone on earth will understand these ideas. People will have different engagement with them and different opinions. But everyone will understand them.

So while Global Warming brings us into a new age of austerity and limitation, it also means we can finally talk to one another rather than focusing on the finite and absurd targets of never-ending economic growth and incredible material wealth.

It is a perfect metaphor for the connection through oppression I was speaking about in my last post.

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